Friday, July 17, 2009

Mali's culture

Mali's culture


I was learning different a culture from Mali, the weat side of Africa, which was very interesting. There are special cultures, such as Tabaski day and fast day.

people roast the whole lamb for their family on tabaski day. For example, one family is very rich, actually home-father got two or three wives, he have bought more than three lamb for their family. People tied the lamb on the lemon tree, then a couple of days they prepared fire and woods for roast the lamb. Now, the lamb did not whoop when people was killing the lamb. I do not like to see the process of kill lamb, but the taste was dilicious. After killing the lamb, they took away the lamb's skin, than put up the hob for wait, and they would add some special sauce on the lamb leg and arm. finally, they picked the lamb above the fire. It took almost a whole day to cook it. Next, fasting month is all of people are not eat and drink at day-time, but they need to work too. People have to pray to God four times per day. People have been getting up at four am then pray to God for half an hour. After is seven am, lunch time and six pm, finally they are beginning to eat and drink. At that time, people can not talk with women and look at women, even people can not shopping, smoking and don't have pary. I felt it is so strange, but they also felt Chinese are so strange because we do not have a fasting day.

How amazing of Mali, their culture is so diferent between china, but i like the city. There are more culture, next time i will tell you more.

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