Monday, August 10, 2009

culture shock


picture from here

Knowing about culture shock is very important for people who travel and study abroad. First, a lot of students discover that the British climate causes them so much sadness. Students are able to fit warmer climate as much as possible, or they can get the greyness and dampness because of winter. Second, they’ll know different British food because it has different cook way, savour, or they’ll think about what they like. They should attempt to get better which they familiar taste, and eat all kind of fruit and green vegetables. Third, language is difficult to learn because of listening and speaking. Even through they’ve gotten good English skills, it still difficult to comprehend, as a result of different pronunciation. Fourth, students probable get it which not easy to have on winter clothing for dress during a warm climate. Fifth, people could be complicated, shocked or displeased because of social behaviours. Students may shocked to look for people because they are kissing and hugging in front of people. Therefore, they need to find out the connection between male and female, and they could know about different culture. Overall, in the future, people will continue getting more details about a country so they will not be shocked.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My hometown- Wen Zhou


As you know, china is a bigger country in the world, and my hometown is smaller part in china, but it is a beautiful city. Now, i am talking about 3 parts of my hometown which are background, tourist attractio and doing business in my hometown. First, my hometown which is called Wen Zhou is situated in south of china. It has population 8000000, and total area is 11800 square kilometer, it separated to 3 regions, 2 towns and 6 counties. Also, we are speaking 2 language, china has many cities and we konw that in each city speaks different language or dialect. Our dialect is the most difficult in china. Second, i want to introduce some of the tourist attraction. There is an interesting island which was built by nature and not created by man. It has PNE and fresh seafood during whole year. Another one is famous mountain which is called YangDan mountain. If you see it from different angle you can see the different look. For example, there are two stones look like a couple of people are kissing each other. If you see it at night, it will be more like couple of people. Also, most of tourism come here for hiking. Finally, i am regarding about business. We have a major business which is property speculation. From 2000, we begin property speculation 7 cities, but right now, we are going to do our business everywhere. Moreover, they choose shops, apartments and cottages as the most major in the business. The main point is most of people in my hometown doing this business outside of the cities. Recently, the price of housing in China went up because of them during marketing. This proves that we are good at marketing。Overall, these reasons clearly show why my hometown is good at business, tourist attraction and interesting background.

Monday, August 3, 2009

my childhood

my childhood

the picture from (here)

When I was 4 years old, I remember that my parents brought a big red balloon with beautiful snow white photo. I really liked snow white. I just released my balloon from my hands, and it flew up to sky and fell down road. I felt so interested. I was proud because I had a snow white balloon, so I always showed off to the children. I was so happy that I had it. On one day, there was a small puddle in my courtyard because of the rain. I was playing the balloon in the courtyard, it was dancing in the sky again and again. I followed it and said:" it is so interesting, I like it." Suddengly, the balloon fell into the puddle, I ran up then picked it up but it was so dirty and wet. Now, what could i do? All of a sudden, I remembered once when my handkerchief was dirty and wet, my gramdmon held it beside the stove because she wanted to made it dry. This time, I thought I could do the same thing, but where could I find fire? I soon got some wood and burnt it, and held the dirty and wet balloon close to the flame "Bang!" The balloon exploded. I was so scared and jumped because of it. My snow white balloon burst into smithereens. My tears couldnot stop. Until now, I still cann't control my smile when I recall it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to get a job

How to get a job
(photo from here)
The process of getting a job is important because it will help you to get good position in life. First, assess your strengths and the regional positon mart. You should make a list about their ability, strengths, interested, and what you like. Moreover, you should attempt to make a decision which can accessible position in their space. It is important that position relevants the strengths and ability that you can suppy. Also, it is a good idea that you take a volunteer job to obtain experience, but it depends on your choice. Second, get a social insurance card. You need to fill out the application form before you try to get a job. For example, when you are going to get a position that is impossible without SI card. It is important that you have to go to Hesources Resources Centre of Canada for the application form. Third, create a resume. Your resume can be a significant implement for marketing of your strengths and achievements to an expected employer. Also, a resume contains application letter, and you take it to each interview at every time. Fourth, discouver a position that fits you and forward in your resume. You might look through the categorical division of newspaper, such the employment ads day by day. In addition, you need to adequate look through the regional weekly society newspaper, and you can't be deterred because of a requirement for experience. Also, a excellent way of finding a position is to create individual connections with employers. Fifth, be ready for every interview. An interview is a chance to prove your ability to an employer that you are the suitable person for the position. Sixth, remain persist. You are be able to maintain their high energy and can be strong idea. Also, if you are in many other qualified applicants, your ardent and assured attitude can make their better than others applicant. These steps will have helped people to gain a nice position five years from now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Amazing fish-Tilapia

An Amazing Fish--Tilapia

Background of the Spicy Tilapia, is a famous chinese dish. If you like to eat spicy food, this taste of fish will be your favorite one. The Tilapia dish is from Sichuan city which is situated in southweat of China. There people like to eat spicy food very much, it differs between my hometown because we couldn't eat any spicy food. We like sweet and salty food. However, i like spicy food very much, i don't konw why. Ok, now I am to tell you how can we cook the tilapia deliciously.

materials: onions, ginger, garlic, wild peppers, kg prickly ash, chilli, oil, salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and a tilapia and a deep wok.
prapare job: you have to wash cleanly every thing, and cut giner and garlic like a piece and a piece, and cut the onion into cubes(the onion use for last time)

step of how to cook:
1, you put oil into the wok and open fire, the oil becomes hot.

2, when the oil becomes hot, you need to put the ginger, garlic, wild pepers and kg prickly ash into the oil, and fry these that it takes 2 minutes

3, you need to put the tilapia into the wok, and fry the tilapia. It takes more than 5 minutes.

4, now you have to put water into wok, until the water touches half way up the wok.

5, you should put the salt, soy sauce, sugar, and vinegar into the wok. These materials all around the tilapia, and it keeps boil. Maybe it needs 3 minutes.

6, you can put the chilli into the wok too. you can try the taste. it may be too salty or sweet, depending on your taste. now you should cover the wok. it needs 10 minutes that can cook ripe.

7, now is the last step, you might put the onions in the surface of the tilapia.

It's a savory and delicous spicy tilapia dish. I love it. yammy~~~~~

Canada day

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vancouver & Wen Zhou

Wen Zhou and Vancouver

(compare two cities)

the picture of Wen Zhou are from here.
the last picture of Vancouver is from here.

My hometown which is called Wen Zhou is situated in the south of China. And, Vancouver is very farmilar to us which is beautiful city. Those two cities are quite differece. First, Wen Zhou dislikes Vancouver has skytrain, but it has general transportation. Moreover, WZ population is quadruple of Vancouver, such as WZ has 800 million, and Vancouver has 210 million. Also, WZ is smaller than Vancouver. In additon, WZ people don't drink directly water from the top even other cities in China, but Vancouver people drink water directly from the top, it means Vancouver environment has no more polution. Second, they are different relationship between children and adults. WZ people separate different ages, such as children have to obey their parents requirement. For example, if a child doesn't like to learn a piano, but their parents want to it, he or she have to learn a piano. Moreover, parents have to respect to grandparents, same as children do. In contrast, Vancouver people are so equal between children and parents and grandparents. Also, WZ people treat their after 18 years old children like kids, it likes no freedom for their children. Because they think their children never can grew up, they always worried everything of their children until they get married. On the contrary, Vancouver people give their children a lot of freedom. Third, the education is much different between two cities. WZ people give children lots of pressure, such as "you have to get A from the fianl exam, you have to entre the famous university......" those conversition that i believe all of chinese have heared from their parents, but children can get benefit from their parents' pressure. They feel so much pressure, so they will work hard. When they graduate from scholl, and they will get good job and they become smart. Unlike Vancouver, they don't give children much pressure, so their children become lazy. They are so sluggish, can't put themself together during their studying. When they graduate that they will feel more tired in their life. Finally, Wen Zhou and Vancouver are dissimilar cities.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mali's culture

Mali's culture


I was learning different a culture from Mali, the weat side of Africa, which was very interesting. There are special cultures, such as Tabaski day and fast day.

people roast the whole lamb for their family on tabaski day. For example, one family is very rich, actually home-father got two or three wives, he have bought more than three lamb for their family. People tied the lamb on the lemon tree, then a couple of days they prepared fire and woods for roast the lamb. Now, the lamb did not whoop when people was killing the lamb. I do not like to see the process of kill lamb, but the taste was dilicious. After killing the lamb, they took away the lamb's skin, than put up the hob for wait, and they would add some special sauce on the lamb leg and arm. finally, they picked the lamb above the fire. It took almost a whole day to cook it. Next, fasting month is all of people are not eat and drink at day-time, but they need to work too. People have to pray to God four times per day. People have been getting up at four am then pray to God for half an hour. After is seven am, lunch time and six pm, finally they are beginning to eat and drink. At that time, people can not talk with women and look at women, even people can not shopping, smoking and don't have pary. I felt it is so strange, but they also felt Chinese are so strange because we do not have a fasting day.

How amazing of Mali, their culture is so diferent between china, but i like the city. There are more culture, next time i will tell you more.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


My article is talk about Do you meet even the basic requirements of an entry-level job, which article is on here.
In the article I learned that many new informations from the jobs. The base points which people think about waht are you fail, preparing to know and exceed the qualifications. Moreover, people need to affirm the wage expectations are fair. Also, E-mail rule of etiquette is very important, such as a name, spelling and grammar, and your personal resume which is your best opportunity to create the beginning of feeling. Seeking work uses skills that you able to show employers, joining the conversation with them.
I am interesting the article because job is very important for everyone, and how do we get the job. When people try to get a job, and they will not get some mistakes, so it is very useful informations for us.

Friday, July 3, 2009



AISB's completely mane is America International School of Bamako which school is so small, i mean a little students, i guess just 300 students from kindergarten to grade 12,(see the picture, it included teachers) but it has a lot of teachers. When i was studying one year at AISB, it was a hard experience because of language and classes. AISB all of students come from different countries, they are speaking English and French, but they have to speaking English when they have been speaking English in classes. By the way, my parents are working in their business in Africa, so it is why I was living there one year. As alway happens when I was expressing my opinion with teachers, they could not understand me cause of English. Indeed, the big problem between us was different language.

First all of experience is the obvious differece between hanguage. My first language is Mandarin; i just speaking a little English and i didn't speaking any French. That was a challenge. I had six classes per day, which are Biology, Math and Drama, Global Issues, ESL and Build Music. My favorite class is Drama with grade 11 and 12 students in class. My teacher is Ms. Crozy who is from America. We called her Ms. Crazy because she is so facetious and passionate, for sure she is so friendly. When i was in class, i didn't need to speak a lot of English; i just showed my emotion in drama, but sometimes i have to. It was an amusing class. In the end, we played an Gilmore Grill at May first. I was making the audience happy because i was playing a funny character in this drama. Audience was laughing because of me, and they loved me because my character was so funny. And we did others programs like makeup face, a hurt leg with blood.(see the pictures)This is my best score class in AISB.

Second was in biology class, we had experimented with plants and animals. My teacher who is from New Yeark. I remembered one experimentation, which is anatomize pocket. This was so scary to me because it was a first time. I saw teacher bought the pocket from frige, but it vacuumized in the bag. Then we took away the skin and opened the body, it was so cruel. It
took us three days, and those days i couldn't eat any pork. It was so hard for me, but i got many benefits from it.

In addition to language, English is my base class, so i need to learn it because biology and global issues are difficult to me. All of classes had English books so i had to add the ESL class. Other students they could speak English very well, so they had French class but i just had ESL class. My ESL instead French class. In fact, i love to learn French. My english teacher who is from Victoria, a big woman with blond hair. She is kindly. At the beginning, she was to beside me when i was in any classes, because i couldn't understand what the other teacher said in class. Her job is help me to understand it. On the other hand, i was in her class, she always going slowly and explaining patiently to me. When i have English class, i with other three students debate, one is Birama who is from South Africa, another is Qing who is from China. We were separated into two groups, i alway with Birama because he had a good mouth against them. And i always had many opinions but i couldn't explain. And Qing is so silent, and another is so active. So we were fair partners, but my group always won.(tell you a secret, a Chinese student- Qing is my boyfriend. We always got togeter and speak chinese, that's why we couldn't learn english fast. I know that wasn't good for us, but we did it. I am so regret.)

In conclusion, it was my hard experience but it was my valuable experience in Africa. I was learning many different educations between AISB and Chinese school. Now, i am missing my teachers and classmates. They are so kind and friendly, such as a family. I know they are missing me too.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Social practice of Africa

Everybody has own's fantastic age either older or younger. Well, my prime time was in American International School of MaLi, which was my favor activity-traveling village. Actually, this social practice was arranged by a French teacher. Because Mali people are speaking French, so all of students have French class from grade 7 to 12, but I did not got French class, because I was studying english in the high school. We were going to a village for four days, which was so far from my school. It took 5 hours by school bus. That social practice was a good experience for students.

The first day, we arrived at the hotel. It was a amizing hotel. It was not a magnificent hotel, and it was huts such as original people's huts. All of the articles for daily use were wooden. Every hut was about 30 square meter and every hut had its own narrow road with stones. Each hut separated quite far from other hut. Moreover, the reservoir was in front of all the huts, so people ipen the window and open the door, they could see reservoir. It was so beautiful.

The second day, we visited a power plant. I couldn't speak French, and the power plant was a complicated, so it was difficult to explain.

The third day, we passed the wide road by school bus and came to the narrow road by small car. We were along the wasteland, then we heared chatting and laughing. Finally, we saw women and children seated on the rock, and men were dug yellow soil on the road. Then i saw many holes were big and deep, there were thousands holes on the road, and one by one close to each other on the road. One strong man showed us their job. He wore a light and climbed down to the holes, but he wasn't with any safe things on hid body. The holes were same with two people's size. We saw he was going slowly climbed down in the hole, then we couldn't see him because the hole was very deep, so it was dark. About 5 minitues, we saw he were climbing up with a lot of the soils from the other hole, it means all of the holes were connected. It was a danger ous job, but what was the benefits for them? The benefits were gold. Imagine they have been getting gold from those holes. Now, i understood why every man dug the holes. They told us because the gold color is yellow and the gold mixed with soils, so it was difficult to distinguish. They unceasingly swung the bamboo basket until the soils very dry, then they can see the glitter of the gold in the soils. We really saw a small gold in the bamboo basket from the old man. It was so exciting.

This was my precious experience in my life, especially the man dug for gold.

Hello guys, I am Xixi, welcome welcome to my blog.
I like to watch movies, listen to music, make friends, art photography, make up, make nice nails... I don't like sport, I am a lazy girl.